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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get a materials quote for an upcoming job?
You can contact a rep directly in your area. Search here. Alternatively, feel free to contact us and select “I’d like a quote” in your form inquiry.
Do you have spec sheets? I have a question about a specific product.
In addition to the above technical docs, you can find product sheets here.
What is the weight of Indiana limestone?
Indiana limestone weighs 144 lbs. Per cubic foot.
What is the compressive strength of Indiana limestone?
The compressive strength of Indiana limestone is 4,000 PSI minimum (ASTM C170).
What is Indiana limestone’s moisture absorption rate?
Polycor quarries medium to high density Indiana limestone with a minimum absorption rate of 7.5 percent. Our hardscape products run at about a 4 percent moisture absorption rate due to their higher density.
How extensive are Polycor’s Indiana limestone reserves?
Indiana limestone is virtually unlimited, with geologists estimating 500-600 years of reserves, based on current extraction methods. The reserves are vast, but the consistency of the stone is just as important. Whether a project is large and will require several truckloads of stone or if an addition requires new stone to match up to old stone, the grade and color selected will remain within range. This is not true for some other natural building stones.
What are the physical test results for Woodbury Gray granite?
Absorption by weight, ASTM C97, 0.252%.
Density, ASTM C97, ndlb/ft3 (Imperial), ndkg/m3 (Metric).
Compressive strength, ASTM C170, 17 007Psi (Imperial), 117.26MPa (Metric).
Modulus of rupture, ASTM C99, 1 617Psi (Imperial), 11.15MPa (Metric). -
Where does Woodbury Gray granite originate?
Woodbury granite has been quarried in Woodbury, VT since 1883. This salt and pepper, light gray granite, has a medium tight grain and a consistent color.
What is your annual production at the Woodbury quarry?
We produce more than 440,000 cubic feet/12,500 cubic meters a year.
What is the preferred method for cleaning limestone and granite surfaces?
Our recommendations here are from the Indiana Limestone Institute of America (ILI), which says its preferred method for cleaning natural stone like limestone or granite is pressure washing.
Use water from a pressure rig at no pressure higher than 1,200 p.s.i., from a 45 fan-shaped nozzle held no closer than 6″ to the face of the stone.
ILI recommends that architects and their clients decide in advance how clean the building must be, keeping in mind that the dirt is not harmful, and that its complete eradication almost always removes remaining original surface and increases surface area. If 80 to 90 percent clean is the target, the relatively benign high-pressure method is a good solution. Note, however, that even high-pressure water can cause damage. Pressure, nozzle size and working distance are all controlled by the operator and can be abused.
If you or your client is considering a major cleaning of a natural stone surface, ILI recommends inviting operators to clean a sample area using their preferred method. This procedure will reveal much about the operator, the workers and the equipment, the amount of disruption likely in his or her procedure, all in addition to how well that operator’s procedure works, and how much damage is done. Use the cleaned area as the target sample for bidders and as the comparative area for the punch‑list.
What’s the proper method for cleaning algae growth from natural stone?
At arm’s length, this algae looks like a collection of dirt from water flow over the surface. Under magnification though you can see tiny spots of red, green and orange appear as the algal flowers. You can remove it with hydrogen peroxide, scrubbed on full strength over wetted stone. After agitation, you can hose away loosened algae without harm to the stone.
Should you dampproof limestone?
Dampproofing should be applied on all unexposed areas at grade up to 12″. Below grade total stone must be dampproofed. An ideal dampproofing material resists both positive and negative hydrostatic pressure.
Our most recent paver testing was completed using BASF Masterseal 581 applied in two coats and mixed according to manufacturer specifications with MasterEmacco A 660.
Does Indiana limestone need to be sealed?
While we do not recommend sealing because of the potential for staining, it is best to consult with your engineer.
What types of anchors should be used for Indiana limestone products?
All anchors should be stainless steel or other non‑corrosive. Consult your engineer for anchor type guidance.
What is the SRI (solar reflective index) of Indiana limestone?
SRI measures the ability of a constructed surface to reflect solar heat. Designing with high-SRI materials like Indiana Limestone products is important because it can reduce the “heat island effect” commonly associated with urban areas. Indiana Limestone’s SRI ratings make it eligible for LEED 2009 and LEED v4 SRI related points for non-roof applications.
Can Indiana limestone be load-bearing?
Yes, as solid columns, self-supporting headers, etc.
Can Indiana limestone be repaired with epoxy?
Yes, epoxy is used in fabrication as well.

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